A guide to choosing wash basins for your bathroom

For many home owners, the bathroom is one of the most relaxing parts of the home. Hence, they give equal attention to its décor and theme, like any other part of the home. However, one important thing which often gets ignored or does not get enough attention, is the bathroom wash basin. I

For many home owners, the bathroom is one of the most relaxing parts of the home. Hence, they give equal attention to its décor and theme, like any other part of the home. However, one important thing which often gets ignored or does not get enough attention, is the bathroom wash basin. It is an important element, as it is functional, durable and adds aesthetic value to the space. Choosing the right kind of wash basin design for your bathroom is a tricky task and requires a lot of browsing, searching and shortlisting. Here are some of the basics related to selecting wash basins, which could be of help to you.Get more news about a href="http://fsovs.com"Basin Wash Type/a,you can vist our website!


Such wash basins are also called self-rimming or drop-in basins. These are durable and aesthetically beautiful. Since these are easy to install, it is a common choice for all kinds of bathrooms. Most of the hotels, spas and resorts have counter-top wash basins.


Such wash basins are installed on a stand. They come as a single unit or as a detachable pedestal and basin. These provide a designer look and are perfect for modern bathrooms. Pedestal wash basins are often found in guest bathrooms where space is less. Since these are sleek, they create an illusion of space.


As the name suggests, these basins are fixed on walls with the help of screws. Note that while buying wall mount wash basins, do not choose options that are too heavy, as these will be affixed with screws and may not be very durable. These are more affordable than pedestal wash basins and therefore, most preferred in Indian homes.


These are the most common wash basins in luxury bathrooms, as they look modern and are easy to clean. It does not have rims that store debris and germs. You may find these kinds of wash basins in shopping malls and airports.


For ultra-modern bathrooms, above-counter sinks are the popular choice. Such wash basins with cabinets rise above the console and create a focal point that adds elegance to the space. The height of the countertop is not much but it is convenient enough so that the basin can be accessed easily.


Currently, the market is flooded with a variety of wash basins made of different materials, apart from ceramic. Here are some of the trendiest wash basin materials that can add glamour to your bathroom:


Wash basins made of stone are sought-after in luxury and high-end interior décor. The most common type of stone used for making wash basins is marble. These are very durable and add a refined look. However, apart from being expensive, these wash basins are difficult to clean.


Wash basins made of metal or steel are usually found in kitchens, in industrial and commercial spaces. While these are easy to clean and low-cost, they can also be installed in the bathroom space. However, it may look out of place, if you have a very modern-looking bathroom.